The Internet Guitar fretboard tool - view and edit Scales and Chords!
Note patterns to navigate the fretboard
Note patterns to navigate the fretboard
Playing scales and arpeggios
;All scales and arpeggios contain a predetermined subset of notes from the 12-note chromatic scale, scales and arpeggios also starts with a tonic/root note that all other notes relate to in their specific ways.
;So to keep track of the tonic/root note over the entire fretboard is a valuable skill playing guitar. To help you map out tonic/root notes there is the CAGED System and also the Octave Shapes.
;All individual notes follow the same movable pattern over the entire fretboard.
;The CAGED System
;Find tonic notes using root notes from the open position chord shapes C, A, G, E and D.
;Octave Shapes
;To find nearby tonic/root notes one octave apart there are four shapes to guide you.
;Please note the different shapes to and from the B and high E string, that is something that's caused by the one-fret tuning offset between the G and B string in standard tuning for guitar.
;Here you can read more about the CAGED System and the Octave shapes, and here is also a short tutorial on music theory for guitarists.
;Happy playing!
;Playing scales and arpeggios
;All scales and arpeggios contain a predetermined subset of notes from the 12-note chromatic scale, scales and arpeggios also starts with a tonic/root note that all other notes relate to in their specific ways.
;So to keep track of the tonic/root note over the entire fretboard is a valuable skill playing guitar. To help you map out tonic/root notes there is the CAGED System and also the Octave Shapes.
;All individual notes follow the same movable pattern over the entire fretboard.
;The CAGED System
;Find tonic notes using root notes from the open position chord shapes C, A, G, E and D.
;Octave Shapes
;To find nearby tonic/root notes one octave apart there are four shapes to guide you.
;Please note the different shapes to and from the B and high E string, that is something that's caused by the one-fret tuning offset between the G and B string in standard tuning for guitar.
;Here you can read more about the CAGED System and the Octave shapes, and here is also a short tutorial on music theory for guitarists.