The most essential functionality in #fretflip is the guitar scales generator that is used to create scale diagrams and fretboard charts. Following this write up you will be able to create diagrams for any scale in any key and tuning, and also highlight scale patterns in different colors.
There are a lot of predefined scales in #fretflip availble. Try change Minor Pentatonic to the Major/Ionian or any other scale using the dropdown menu below. To change the key and starting note for the scale use the dropdown menu with note names A, A♯,..G, give it a try and you will see how the scale pattern move horizontally over the fretboard changing key.
Also try toggle between Note and Scale degree view using the button marked [1..7] or [A..]. Using scale degrees is great to help understand and memorize scales, you can read more about scale degrees and intervals here. And in addition another write up on musical key if curious.
If you happen to find or create something interesting, just click the image button in the toolbox to create an image to store or share.
To edit a scale, simply click the scale degree (1, ♭2,..7) in the toolbox, that will toggle if the note/interval is to be included in the scale or not. If you double click a scale degree it will toggle between sharp '♯' and flat '♭'.
In addition to edit the the scale clicking a scale degree in the toolbox you can also toggle individual notes on the fretboard simply by clicking the fretboard, to show you have notes on the fretboard not in the scale a dimmed scale degree will be visible in the toolbox.
Now you can click the edit button with the pen at the left in the top menu to activate full edit-mode, now you can do a bit more, change and edit tuning, alter the number of visible frets, copy and delete diagrams, store a user defined scale, and also highlight notes.
To highlight notes, first create a marker clicking the button with a brush in the toolbox. Click the colored marker to toggle marker mode, an active marker has the name printed in italic. In marker mode you can apply color to scale degrees over the entire fretboard clicking a scale degree in the toolbox, you can also toggle coloring of individual notes clicking the fretboard, great to show scale patterns etc.
To exit marker mode, click the marker with its name printed in italic and you will be able to edit scales as described earlier.
When you click the save button in the toolbox, the current scale will be temporarly stored into that specific scale generator toolbox, the same apply to storing a tuning. To permanently store something in #fretflip you either press the share button or create a free account and store the preset to your preset storage, that way all your custom toolboxes and the full chart will be stored in that particular preset.
The url you'll get when sharing a preset chart is used to view its full content in a browser on any device. A shared preset chart will be stored in the cloud and available as long as the time in between visits are less than 12 months.
Now you know how to create fretboard diagrams with scales and patterns, there are how ever some more features availble, like adding video and streaming content, create prints etc. Here is a link to the full documenation of #fretflip, and also see the preset menu at top left of the page for more charts and tutorials.
Please follow at X where you can also PM to reach out for any questions.
The most essential functionality in #fretflip is the guitar scales generator that is used to create scale diagrams and fretboard charts. Following this write up you will be able to create diagrams for any scale in any key and tuning, and also highlight scale patterns in different colors.
There are a lot of predefined scales in #fretflip availble. Try change Minor Pentatonic to the Major/Ionian or any other scale using the dropdown menu below. To change the key and starting note for the scale use the dropdown menu with note names A, A♯,..G, give it a try and you will see how the scale pattern move horizontally over the fretboard changing key.
Also try toggle between Note and Scale degree view using the button marked [1..7] or [A..]. Using scale degrees is great to help understand and memorize scales, you can read more about scale degrees and intervals here. And in addition another write up on musical key if curious.
If you happen to find or create something interesting, just click the image button in the toolbox to create an image to store or share.
To edit a scale, simply click the scale degree (1, ♭2,..7) in the toolbox, that will toggle if the note/interval is to be included in the scale or not. If you double click a scale degree it will toggle between sharp '♯' and flat '♭'.
In addition to edit the the scale clicking a scale degree in the toolbox you can also toggle individual notes on the fretboard simply by clicking the fretboard, to show you have notes on the fretboard not in the scale a dimmed scale degree will be visible in the toolbox.
Now you can click the edit button with the pen at the left in the top menu to activate full edit-mode, now you can do a bit more, change and edit tuning, alter the number of visible frets, copy and delete diagrams, store a user defined scale, and also highlight notes.
To highlight notes, first create a marker clicking the button with a brush in the toolbox. Click the colored marker to toggle marker mode, an active marker has the name printed in italic. In marker mode you can apply color to scale degrees over the entire fretboard clicking a scale degree in the toolbox, you can also toggle coloring of individual notes clicking the fretboard, great to show scale patterns etc.
To exit marker mode, click the marker with its name printed in italic and you will be able to edit scales as described earlier.
When you click the save button in the toolbox, the current scale will be temporarly stored into that specific scale generator toolbox, the same apply to storing a tuning. To permanently store something in #fretflip you either press the share button or create a free account and store the preset to your preset storage, that way all your custom toolboxes and the full chart will be stored in that particular preset.
The url you'll get when sharing a preset chart is used to view its full content in a browser on any device. A shared preset chart will be stored in the cloud and available as long as the time in between visits are less than 12 months.
Now you know how to create fretboard diagrams with scales and patterns, there are how ever some more features availble, like adding video and streaming content, create prints etc. Here is a link to the full documenation of #fretflip, and also see the preset menu at top left of the page for more charts and tutorials.
Please follow at X where you can also PM to reach out for any questions.